Saturday, August 6, 2011

Aug 6, 2011

Dear Kids,

   Michelle and Duncan's wedding is just round the corner, therefore, all of you should get ready for it to enjoying it.  Ken and his wife should have the reply about the wedding because they need reserve the seat for you.  If you don't reply this week, they are not going to reserve the seats for your couple. Your reply is very important to them which you should understand it because it is a part of your credit in the future.  This is a small thing as it looks but people will remember what had happened.  You need to give a reply to people to confirm the basic politeness.
   Dealing with people is an art because it tells you how to survive in this society.  All the successful leaders know how to deal with people in a skillful way.  As what I mentioned before, if you know how to deal with people successfully, you are very successful in the future because you have done very well to control the people.  Wesley was sent to Iowa and NY for the summer because we all hope that he can learn the independent life.  Independent life style is for the people who know how to deal with the surrounding people and how to take care himself or herself.  Dealing with people is very important because you are supposed to be an actor or actress to show the people what kind of people you are.  Are you the shy and quite guy or girl? People or your friend will give a judgment to you and they will determine to deal with you for a long time or trying to forget you for good.  People will have a solid impression about your deed because your behavior, speech and gesture.  Therefore, you need to tell or show people what kind of people in this WORLD movie so that they will treat you as a kind, smart, ugly, poor, nice people as the time goes on.  We are living in this world for the people surrounding us otherwise, we don't need to care anything.  The world is controlled by a group of people who will judge your behavior and your level of classification.  Therefore, you need to define yourself carefully so that what kind of people will go along with you as well.


Friday, August 5, 2011

Aug 5, 2011

Dear Kids,

   There is Chinese saying that "An Intelligent Leader can keep the town save and under the control if anything happens".  What does this mean?  it means a leader of a project or the leader of a country is the one who can control the success of the project or vice versa.  For example, Uncle Tony was assigned a project to repair a swimming pool this summer and now is almost the end of the summer that he still doesn't complete the project which unexpected by the whole family.  Why he fails the project and we should learn more from what he did wrong; we should not copy what he did to duplicate the error for the rest of the life.
   Detail planning is the key thing to make the project to be success.  Tony should set up the road map to show him to complete the project.  First of all, he needs to plan before doing anything as it goes.  The following steps he should carefully planned before working on the project.

    Step I:  He should find out the need of the swimming pool by calling a few contractors who know the business.
                 a. He can get the information in the internet, newspaper and yellow page by calling them to discuss the problems and issues of
                     the swimming pool.      
                 b. Interviewing the contractors to make sure they know the business.  Before interviewing the contractors, he needs to go on the
                     internet to understand the special terms in the swimming pool such as vinyl lining etc. and he needs to understanding the
                     dimension of the swimming pool so that when the contractors are discussing the swimming pool, you can have the same
  Step II:  During the telephone interviewing, he should understand the need for the swimming pool for this repair.
                 a. Discuss with a few contractors so that you can have a better understanding what they are doing and the price of the material
                     with or without the labor cost because these information will give you a clear pictures of the basic cost for you estimation
                     and the comparison of the price with the other contractors.  All of them should give Tony an estimation of the cost to fix this
                     swimming pool.
 Step III: Selection the contractors are the most important part in the project.
                 a. You need to find someone who is reliable.
                 b. Most of the reliable contractors do not need the deposit because the company is strong enough to cover the basic cost of the
                     material and the labor until the project totally completed.
                 c. Some of the contractors might need a little down payment to cover the material cost and it depends on the wording of the
 Step IV:  Signing a contract with the contractors.
                a. When Tony signs the contract with the contractor, he needs to understanding what he is signing because he should know the
                    legal document can affect a lot of things such as breach of the contract penalty or consultant fee etc.  Tony needs to make sure
                    all the things he understands before signing anything.  
                b. When the contractors did the estimation, all the detail of the fixing should be in the contract with the delivery date terms and
                c. Most of the contractors will provide the performance bond in case they can't complete the project on time.
                d. Never use the people on the street because Tony was hired someone to fixed the window to save a few dollars and end up the
                    contractor was breaking into the house with losing a few thousand dollars.  
                e. Go with the reliable contractors for the future protections and warranty of the swimming pool project because this is the
                    protection for the family which you are talking a half million dollars home and the swimming pool is a part of the house.
Step V:   Make sure all the people coming to the house will be watched by a manpower to make sure the break in happened again.

    If Tony doesn't not have the ability to manage the project, he should ask someone to help instead of doing by himself because he thinks it is easy.  Nothing is easy unless you can manage AND master the project completely including the material and the size are correct.
Tony make sure the people to fix the project are the professional not the people on the street or armature of this game.
    Knowledge and experience are the important thing in this project.  Proper communication is also the other important thing in this project to make sure the people are working there knowing what to do and the project is smoothly done on time.


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Aug 3, 2011

Dear Kids,

    Auntie Maria sent the video of the accident in China that it makes everyone of us to be extremely careful when we go to China or any of the third world countries.  The reason is very simple because all the third world countries are the developing countries where the value of human life is very low comparing to the first world country because the legal system is not complete or the administrators do not make it complete to show the power to control the people.  As we can see the hit and run in the video, nobody will care the accident because in the third world county, this is very common to the public.  Even though, the careless driver was caught by the police and the DWI driver might be released if his relatives or he knew someone in the legal department.  Therefore, the legal system is only a show to the public and there will be a lot of changes under the legal system in China.  In the third world country, the people do not trust the legal system because they know the legal system will be changed due to a certain conditions such as bribery or power to twisted around the fact.
    SO, what should we do in the third world country?  If you are doing business in the third world country, you need to have a good connections to the upper class people or high official in order to protect yourself if you need them in one day.  You need to learn the system of the countries such as the custom, transportation and business legal system so that you don't talk or act like a fool in the third world countries.  In the third world countries, there is no human right.  The only human right is the MONEY and POWER.  You can use the MONEY to bail yourself from the illegal activity in the business or others.  If you have power, you can change the bad situation to the good situation with the high official power.  Therefore, people in the third world countries only know how to make money without any mercy.  They believe that MONEY and POWER are everything to give them the high protection if there is something happening.  For example, if you are very sick in the third world country, you will be ill treated if you can't pay the high price to the Private hospital instead of the Public hospital.  The doctors in the third world countries do not have a liability if there is a mule practice.   The concept and the altitude are very difference comparing to the first world countries.  In the first world countries, all the legal system is perfect and the human right is strongly to protect all the human beings in this country.  Chong Chee's son in law sent me a email asking to set up a USA company for him so that he can sell his product in China pretending the products were manufactured in USA.  In China, if you want to a certain amount of business volume, you need to have this money to show the Government before you can go for this volume.  For example, I want to do a million dollar volume business company which we need to have a million dollars in the bank account to show the funding then; the commerce department needs to verify that you have this money in the bank before issuing a business license to you.  Unlike USA, you can registered a company by paying $150 and there is no restriction in the business volume.  I told his son-in-law that the business license is cheap when you compare the fee in China but the liability is very high because his products need to be passed the inspection of the US safety commerce department with warranty and guarantee protection for the product.  If there is the product is bad by some reasons, people can sue you for millions of dollars.  He started to understand the difference between the China and USA products.  One needs the warranty and the other one is not required because the concept of the life is different to each other.
     Coming back to the traffic video of China, how can you set a 8 lane in a city traffic. Chang Du is one of the large population cities in China which exceed 1 billion population.  Life for the people are very tough due to the high competition with the limited resources.  Cars are running crazy and there are not enough police force to take care the traffic because there so many things happened in a small city with high volume of population.  I still we are very lucky living in USA and Canada today because there are so many people in China are making USD100 per month and the price of the consumer product as high as USA and Canada due to the inflation.


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Aug 2, 2011

Dear Kids,

     I don't know what should I tell you today because it is so busy because I am trying to put the deal together for an investor who wants to purchase a hotel in Minnesota.   Many people would like to take the advantage of the down turn economy to purchase something that might be under the construction cost.  It is true but they need to have the money to go thru the recession if they can do it.  Business is a gamble and you need to know what is the best time to gamble if the timing is right.   So the timing is very important to all kinds of business.  If you are doing business according to the time frame, the one is called the speculator.  A speculator is the one who would invest something according to the product demand in a specific time frame, therefore, they need to be very smart to control the market conditions.
    On the other hand, people like to study what they want but the faculty that they got into might not meet the demand for the society so that they might not find a job after the graduation.  Therefore,  you also need to watch out what is the best demand in the market to meet the market requirements.  This is the additional information that might relate to the market requirements.  Good luck!


Monday, August 1, 2011

Aug 1, 2011

Dear Kids,

   The debt ceiling is finally coming to the agreeable conclusion by the two parties.  In this political war, there are a lot of people making a lot of money; on the other hand, there are a lot of people losing a lot of money too.  Why?  The answer is very simple.  A lot of people buying the "short option" (gambling the stock they are buying will go down)  in the stock market during the political war, they make a lot of money because they know the stock will go down.  On the other hand, the people who bought the opposite way will lose a lot of money instead.  I knew one fellow of my neighbor who put into the daily trading 8 million dollars in volume.  You can see how much he can make if you bought the stock at the right time.  

   The inside information of the politicians knew this is a game for the two parties.  They will make a lot of money because I read the news a few days ago, the Clinton couple was telling China that the ceiling issues will be resolved.  This hint will bring the China smart people a fortune.  Therefore, there are a lot of opportunities for people making in the down turn of the economy and the up turn of the economy.  For example, in the real estate business when the market is up, you are working flipping the properties or you are representing to the seller or the buyer that you can make money any way.  During the down turn, you work with the bank or the sellers, you should make a lot of money because of the market situation has been changed.  The bottom line for any business, you need to know your business well especially during the recession with the high competition. Therefore, knowledge is power and you need to improve yourself anytime for the competition.

  Since the debt ceiling is completed, the other cycle of fighting between the two parties will be continued until the anther satisfaction is reached.


Sunday, July 31, 2011

July 31, 2011

Dear Kids,

   Americans get into the worse time in the recession and come to the point that the 2 parties in the Government are going to extend the debt ceiling within 24 hours to lose the triple "A" credit rating to the world.  What is the debt ceiling and why they are opposition to each other and the Republican party agrees to default the debt and the Democratic party trying to rising the debt ceiling to remain everything the same.  American had a very bad recession in 1930's after the civil war and the First War war with so many things were happening around the war including the Soviet revolution in 1900's.  China became the National Party by kicing out the Chang Dynasty in 1911 etc. They were suffering and willing to pay the debt to support the American Dream at that time.    When the baby boomers were taking over the administration after the Second World War and most of the people were starting from the scratch and the basic.  People were conservative and hard working.  The dream for the whole world at that time was putting their countries and nation to the number one.  This was no only applying to the USA; also China, Germany, Italy and Japan etc.
   After the Atomic bomb destroying Japan, the whole nation was putting from a destroyed city to a modern city today.  Americans were developing all the weapon and high tech selling to the world such as computer etc.  China and Taiwan were working very hard to competite each other to show one of them is the leader for the Chinese and to the world leader as well.  Germany started to build all the high tech for the nation and ship out to the world market such as automobiles and same as Italy.  There are shortage of everything after the wars.   Therefore, the economy was booming all over and American is the top nation in the world.  The influx immigrants came to USA bring in the cheap labor, capital and technology to this land to build their American Dream since then.
   After the peak of baby boomer is over, the new generation has a lot of things built up for them to enjoy.  Therefore, the new generation become a little bit lazy than before for example, in the olden days, most of the people were taking bus or public transit to work or school because cars were one of the luxury item in the daily life and average family was about 5 to 10 kids after the war due to shortage of people.  The new generation doesn't work hard as the baby boomer because the baby boomers need to build from the basic.  Without that they will suffering everything due to the provity and lack of the high university education to provide the knowledge to proceed further level.
    After Clinton's administration, he saved a lot of capital for USA because he came from a poor family.  During his administration, the nation was happy because there was a big surplus for the Government budget.  Most of the people had a few jobs and everything was booming.  However, when Bush took over the administration, he spent money like crazy by giving back the tax money to people so that poor people were very happy after receiving 500 per family and Bush never thought about to save the money in the rainy days.  Bush had also financed the 2 wars by increasing the debt ceiling and hoping they would gain the benefit of the Middle East Oil market to compensate the debt with the revenue in the future.  The results of the two wars were opposite what he had expected.  On the other hand, he tried to bust the economy by using the real estate market by introducing the sub-prime mortgage to the local people.  It means that he tried to let the banks to lend the money to the people who did not qualify for the loan and ending up most of the properties sold to the unqualified buyers were defaulting to the all the bank loans.  This policy was causing the Wall Street Financial losing the credit by selling all the Real Estate Bond to the whole world and Leman Brother was one of them.  During his administration, it costs the American people responsible for the national debt 10 trillion.  Now that the US President trying to cut all the benefit to offset the debt and he can't predict the revenue by raising the debt ceiling.  What is the debt ceiling? It means to raise the credit card to the higher credit limit to pay the debt.  The Republican party was questioning the President where the money coming from to pay the bill and the President was telling the Republican party that raising the tax to the rich.  Since the Republican party is a rich party and they opposite this proposal until today.  The last meeting they agreed that they are not cutting the benefit and no tax increasing with the debt ceiling increased.  The revenue to pay the debt will be another story after resolving the debt ceiling issues.  The most important things what the President needs to do is to increase the jobs for the people so that people can pay the tax and people can pay the bills instead of collecting the social security benefits. We all hope they can resolve it before the deadline, Tuesday this week.
    As a conclusion, the cash flow is very important to individual and a country so you need to be alert looking around for the other sources of income in case the one you have gotten the problem.


Friday, July 29, 2011

July 29, 2011

Dear Kids,
   Hope both of you have a good summer becuase this summer is bad to the whole world due to the recession.  Most of us today would like to go for vacation in order to relax after the stress life style.  Therefore, you need to know how to control our pace of our life.  Many years ago, our family in HK was arranging the singers in Taiwan to HK to sing in order to make money which was very smart at that time due to the supply and demand.  They were in entertaining business in one time.  In HK, it is a business world and all the businessmen need to know when is the best time to do a certain business to get the highest return of the investments.
   Wesley is working in a insurance company and a restaurant to learn more about the business as well as how to deal with people.  Ken is working with the Russian professor to get into the copoeration stage of the music technology for the piano world.  If both of you can learn more things to face the real problems for your business, this will be benefit to all of you.  I told Wesley before going to NY that he should ask questions if there is any questions because you should never pretend to know what you are doing which applies to Ken as well.  The company would like you to know everything in the company so that you can help to resolve the problem in the near future.  Hard working and learning are very important to both of you. 

Thursday, July 28, 2011

July 28, 2011

Dear Kids,
    I have a client who bought a hotel a few years ago and he was an attorney in Korea.  When he first went to USA, he studied MBA and hope to return to Korea afterwards.  He did choose to stay in USA instead.  He worked in a financial company and layoff after working for a year because his English was bad comparing to his co-workers.  He did not look for a job instead of starting a cleaning business to sell his labor.  He started cleaning a small factory and later on he started getting the Government contract as a minority supportive group.  After getting the contract, he hired a lot of Korean worker to work for him and he only manage the cleaning business in the house basement.  His company address is a PO box in USA.  After working 10 years, he became a multi-millionaire.  He bought a Holiday Inn and the basic requirement to join the franchise of Holiday Inn is minimum requirement is 1 million dollar liquid asset and he got approved.
   After buying the hotel, he put in another 4 million to renovate the hotel because his brother is an engineer.  Now he is doing very good in the business.  When he wanted to buy this hotel,  told him not to buy because he got enough money to retire.  Therefore, the rich people will never thought about the retirement because there are a lot of dreams that they did not complete.  Mr. Lee Ka Sing in HK gets up early everyday at 5am to have a golfing for an hour before going to work.  Hardworking can make you young and alert all the time.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

July 27, 2011

Dear Kids,
    "Search for the excellence", this is a book published 10 years ago to tell people how to look for the smart people to work or partner with them to grow together.  In fact, uncle Alex opened a restaurant a few years ago after winning an Ontario lottery and decide to open a restaurant to grow his fortune.  Unfortunately, the restaurant was only opened for 3 months and the restaurant was sold to someone because the business was lack of tenant.  As a matter of fact, if you can run a successful business, you need to be very smart.  In the old economic studies, there are three very important things for the basic business operation.  The first one is land, labor and the management.
     The first one is the land which means that the business man is going to purchase the land or lease the land to run his business.  If you are going to purchase the land, you need to calculate the mortgage payment which may be affect the long term investment or short term cash flow issues.  If you are going to purchase a building which including the land that will give you a long term appreciation of the value of the building and the land value will go up for a long term if your business can support the debt payment.  There are a lot of businessmen would like to lease the land and the building because they want to reduce the risk factors in order the business failure so that they can move away from the premises.  Most of them they will have a Net lease or Gross lease concept so that they know what they are paying.  A Net lease concept is that the rent that you are going to the landlord will be the rent only and the amount will be net to the landlord.  In the other words, you need to pay the rest of the expenses relating to the building and the land such as property tax, maintenance and the heating utilities etc.  However, each lease is difference due to the negotiation between the landlord and the tenants mutual agreement.  The other one is the gross lease which the rent payment will include all the land and building expenses.  Therefore, if you are the landlord, you like the Net lease and if you are the tenant, you would like the gross lease.  Again, you need to understand your position before you can get the good negotiation.  Most of the time, you have the number of years that known as term such as 10 years term lease or 5 years term plus five years.  During the term of the lease, you will enjoy the rate of the rental from low to high and also you can move out after 5 years term if you think the coming rate is too high.  Option is the term in the lease to tell you that you can leave with a good term after the lease expired or you have the Option to stay in the lease for a negotiable terms and conditions.  The landlord will make use of you to pay the mortgage until the value of the land and building going up before selling it.  Most of the case, the tenants will stay or moving out so the location and address of the business will be affected.  Nowadays, there is a term to encourage the tenants to purchase the building as lease to own so that the tenant can purchase the building in a set price.  You need to evaluate that you need more moeny to invest in the business or the property to balance the cash flow.
     The second one is the labor which is the most important because you need people to generate the income for you and your company.  Uncle Alex's restaurant was hired a friend who he knew for so many years.  He was the chef of the restaurant and he controlled the food quality.  As we all know that the hospitality business, the Government will send the inspector to check the conditions of the kitchen all the time and uncle Alex gave him the instruction for him to take care.  The chef was not happy about it because both of them are friend for a long time.  He walked out the restaurant without giving the notice and Alex was struggling hiring chef all over and finally he sold to someone with profit.  In this story, we learn a number of things as following: 1. Never hiring a friend as a working partner because "Business is a War" that you will only care about the profit and fight with your competitors all the time.  The language will be difference from what you are using in a "Happy hours" bar after 5:00pm because you are relaxing yourself.  The way how to present yourself is totally different from the "Business War".  In business, every penny or dollar you loss that will come out from your pocket. Most of the cases, a good friend in a business will become an enemy.  The walked out Chef and Alex are good friend now because they have no relationship in the business.  You need to know the business before you run the business because most of the employees will make the mistake to test your IQ to see you know your business well.  If you don't know the business, they will start making mistake or delay the process that will cost a lot of money to the company.  Therefore, good company will give you the training so that you would make little mistake instead.  Company will have a test to see how well to deal with people so that to avoid the people walk out from the job without any notice.  Personnel department is the department to select the excellence to service the company, the company expects the employees to make money for the company not to lose money instead.  The employee's quality will affect the company a lot.  Most of the company will hire good people and train them to stay if possible.  Most of the smart people will set up their own company or will promote to the high position.
      The last one is the most important things among all the above because Management is how to put the things together.  A good management can turn around a bad business into good because the lease is cheap so that the overhead is low.  Labor force are good enough to the business therefore, there is no over spending to the company.  The benefit can be split to the labor force so that they will put more effort to the business in the future.  They will treat the customers well so that there will be a lot of returned customers because of the good service.  Always remember that all the businesses are depending on "People".  People business is where the money is.  Management is the techque how to put all the factors together and the problem solving.  In the olden days, "Customer is always right" because they bring the money to you which might not be right today.  For example, a drunken man came to your hotel trying to rent a room and I would reject his offer to stay because he might affect the other people if he creates problem later on.  So, the smart management is depending on your experience, knowledge and education background.  I believe that the way how you deal with them will be difference from each other due to the different background.
     Getting into a job or business, you need to be smart up and treat yourself as a boss and what you expect from the people you hired.  A simple example, you hire a cook who doen't know what to do because lack of the experience.  Another example, you hired a girl who always on the phone and shouting to the co-workers all the time creating a bad atmosphere all the time.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

July 26, 2011

Dear Kids,
   The summer is on the way to the hottest part in August very soon.  There are so many people planning for the vacation and we are planning to go to Michelle's wedding in September very soon.  Auntie Popo will be back to Toronto after taking care of Michelle in Edmonton.  She will tell the whole story about Edmonton for a year for sure so that people in Toronto will get more information about this province so that they can make a move if it is necessary when there is a good opportunity.  Michelle and her husband are leaving Toronto a few years ago to get a job in Edmonton.  As we can see that one of the characteristic of living organism is the locomotion which means that you go to the place where you can get the food or the job opportunity.  
   Ricky's friend's father who was a medical specialist in Toronto for a number of years and now moving to LA as the head department making 10 times more than Toronto.  He got the green card in 10 days because he is the special skill person in the medical field.  Wesley has been working in NY for more than a month and hope he can learn something in his job how to deal with things including the people and how to handle matter if there are suddenly happened.  Uncle Tony was given the power to fix the swimming pool and he was trying to find the cheapest price for the construction but he is lack of experience to handle the things like that.  Therefore, when the time he completes the construction, the weather will turn cold because he is lack of experience to handle the project lake this.  How to handle the things should be coming from your logical mind which will tell you the priority of step to complete the steps of the work order in sequence.  How to handle this type of project?  It is very simple.  The first thing you need to find out the project cost by calling a few people to come to the house to measure in order for them to give you the quote.  The second thing you need to find out the material of the vinyl lining that will give cost differently due to the material they are using.  The last step is to find the right contractor to complete the job and you need to find the good company for safety purpose.  We all remember that Uncle Tony was hiring a contractor years ago and causing the contractors came back to the house to steal all the valuable material.  Therefore, be smart and alert all the time.  This is a true story coming from our family. 

Monday, July 25, 2011

July 25, 2011

Dear Kids,
   Today is a long day for me because there are so many appointments for getting a business done.  There are a few people would like to purchase a hotel without knowing English and management.  The challenge for today's market is the bankers are requiring the borrowers got the good credit and strong financial backgroud so that their money will be good.   Since I know so many lenders and trying trying to push the deal thru.
   I'll meet the fellow by tomorrow morning and let you know the possible way to get it.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

July 24, 2011

Dear Kids,
   When I was young, my uncle told me a story to eliminate the concept of superstition.  We all are afraid of ghost when we were young and we all tried to find out what is the fact behind the ghost story.  Once upon time, there was a old house where the rich people owned it for a long time and nobody would to get close because the people in this village believe there is a ghost in this house.  Every night, you could hear a piano music coming out from the house and this was one of the haunted houses in this area.
    A kid who was graduated in USA coming back to this village and wanted to find out what was the fact from the scientific point of view in the century back.  One night he took a touch with him and went to the house.  There was a music in the house and the light was on and off.  He went in an look at the piano and there was a mice jumping up and down in the key board to make piano to give out the music.
After checking the electrical outlet, he found out that the electric wires were broken causing the light on and off.  I remember this story very well because my uncle told me on the other way there was no ghost in this world and knowledge is power.  From that time on, I did not believe that there is a ghost in the world.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

July 23, 2011

Dear Kids,
     The Government of MN was closing down for 3 weeks due to the balance budget issues and finally they reach the agreement to start opening the Government again very shortly.  USA and Canada are owing too much money to the other countries; especially USA was borrowing money to fight for the two wars to show the world that they were the hero to help the people.  Unfortunately, all the AMericans are paying for the debt without any benefit to all of us.  A country is like a family that the members of the family do not know what to do instead of using the credit card (Borrowing money) and end up like USA and Canada's situation to blow yourself.  In personal situation, you only need to file bankruptcy to wipe off all the liability and gaining 7 years bad credits.  During the 7 years, no lenders and bankers will talk to you because of the bad credit.  However, if you can change the credit issue during the 7 years, you will borrow the money for your house and business again.
      USA is in a big trouble if they can resolve the debt ceiling before 2nd of August.  USA will be listed bad credit countries like Greece and so many other countries today.  So, watch your budget and do not spend something that you can't afford.  One of my clients who would like to sell her 2007 Mercedes with 50K mileage to me but I refused because his son can't pay the monthly payment $500 per month.  He mother took it back and trying to sell it in the market with $20,000.  It means that this car is only for a certain people and not for everyone.  His son was graduate as a pharmacist tech and making 10 dollars an hour and her mother trying to give him the down payment for drive a nice car but she was confused with the pharmist tech income is different from the pharmacist .  Now she understands the difference between these two career's salary.  She was the lady who tried to speculate the house and got burnt and filing bankruptcy.  So, watch your budget and you have to know your potential as well.

Friday, July 22, 2011

July 22, 2011

Dear Kids,

    The place for the daily exercise known as "Life Time Fitness", this was built by an Iranian engineering because he saw the need of the club for American diet causing Americans gaining weight everyday.  He started with a small health club and getting all the people or his friends to join the exercising.  After a while, he found that there were a lot of people need to reduce the diet to do the exercise to reduce the weight as well as to reduce the pressure at work because the pressure in USA is high.  After knowing his concept is highly acceptable in USA, he built up a lot of clubs and getting the free land from the Government to tell them that the club is good for the nation.  He was duplicate the clubs and now he owns 1000 of them.  He put the club into the public company now.  His house is about 10 million in USA with the excellent concept.  Smart guy.  One of my friend knows him and I want him to introduce me and duplicating the concept in China if possible.
    Last year I had a friend told me to do the business in New Guinea which is next to Indonesia for wood business.  I told Tai Chi about that he told me that he did the business with this country for 11 years.  One of the thing he did very successful is the explore the mine nickel by helping China's mining company.  What are the next things we should do in this century is to find the energy and the things are never happened before.  So, test your IQ if you want to be rich and success!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

July 21, 2011

Dear Kids,
    Most of the Chinese investing in the real estate is when the property value going up instead of going down.  It is because the dollar they invest into the property when the property value going up, the dollar value is going up automatically.   The North American concept is different from what Chinese are thinking.  The best time to invest when everyone is stopping to invest because the price is much different than the booming time.  The only difference for these two concepts are Chinese are speculator and North Americans are investors.  The other deference between the Chinese investors and the North American investors are Chinese are the conservative investor and the North Americans Investors are leverage investors.  Chinese investors are very solid because they are either pay cash or they have a very strong cash flow for their backup in case there is some changes in the economy.  The return for the investment would not be as high as North Americans, therefore, this recession doesn't affect too much to the Chinese investors.  It means they invest according to their limitations.
For example, Chinese investors buy a property 100,000 and sell for 200,000 in a good time by using cash.  Their investment is only has 100% return for their investment with cash to cash base.  When the recession comes, they don't feel anything because there is no liability in the investment. 
    On the other hand, the North American Investors would use 100,000 to buy 10 properties with 1 million and they sell 2 million by selling 200,000 each when the time is good.  Their investment is 1 million better than the Chinese investors.  When the recession comes, they will give up everything and file bankruptcy instead.  You can see who is the best investor and who is the worst speculators.  I met a young fellow who can't even pay the mortgage because he had lost his job abd he was using the creditr card to pay the mortgage until he sold the property in a good time making 100,000.  If he were in the recession, he had already lost the house.  Therefore, you need to know that you are buying the house for the long term or short term.  For the long term, you need to watch your budget and the short term, you need to watch your risk and return.  The other thing you need to know is the the timing because this will determine the supply and demand.  During the election, the price will be good to show the successful of the adminstration of the President or the Prime Minster.  The fexible of the banking financing will also the other important factor to control the supply and demand factor in the real estate market.  The last factor is the most important factor is the location.  This will determine the long term success of the appreciation of the value such as Hong Kong due to the large influx of population from the other countries.  New York and Minnesota are difference in price as well.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

July 20, 2011

Dear Kids,
   I missed the deadline of putting in the message a few minutes ago because the house temperature is 86 degree F.  It is very hot and I was driving the car without turning on the air conditioning because the thermostat is jumping up due to the temperature was 110 degree.  The air conditioning was over heated due to the internal and external temperature.  I came home late after going to execise for an hour therefore, I missed the daily conversation on the 20th of July.  The air is one and hope the temperature of the room will come down soon. 
   Heat wave in MN was killing 1000 cows in the last two days.  Therefore, I told all of you should be very careful to handle the heat wave because there are so many people are killed each year especially in the third world country because there are lack of air conditioning.  The best ways to handle it are as following: 1. Turn on the air conditioning to make sure the house is not over heated. 2. Avoiding to work under the sun such as lawn mowing etc. 3. Keep yourself into a shade area even you are swimming in the beach of the pool because the temperature is very different from 50 years ago due to the global warming. 4. Take some cold drinks such as ice water, ice cream etc to keep your temperature down to the normal.  5. Anything goes wrong, call 911 and go to the hospital immediately because there are so many taxi drivers were killed in HK due heat wave.
   Be alert!


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

July 19, 2011

Dear Kids,
     Summer is a beautiful season of the year.  However, so many people were hurt by the heat wave and causing them the skin cancer as well as stoke if they are not careful enough.  The lotion is very important to protect the skin so that the cancer can be prevented at least a certain percentage.  Many of us will forget the important of this because lack of knowledge.  I remember when we were young, one of our cousin took us to the seaside swimming.  He was chasing his girl friend; my sister and I were swimming without any protection of the skin.  After going home, both of us were hurt by the ultra violet light by the sun.  The skin were hurt and we recovered in a week's time.  It means that all the kids need the attention from the adult otherwise the terrible things might be happened.    
     Another things we need to be careful in the summer is that you should not work outside because you might get the heat wave that might kill yourself very easily.  Many of us are working outside without a proper protection from  the sunlight, you will easily killed by the over heated temperature especially under the humid weather.  Your whole system will be affected by the temperature and the heat will make you feel dizzy and sometimes will past away without any medical explanation.
    So watch out in the summer time as well!     

Monday, July 18, 2011

July 18, 2011

Dear Kids,
    One fellow in MN would like to start a project called Real Estate Network which is a search engine like Google that can find all the properties in the world.  The fellow is known as Bob Atkinson who has been working in the real estate field for a long time.  He wants to use all his relation and hoping to develop this project in a low or no investment.  The problem is that he has been trying to raise the funding for a long time without any success.  The reason is that he doesn't have the business proposal and good connection.  The reason he wants to raise the funding, he can use the private funding who would like to invest to him for 30 million to let him start the project.  That is the  reason why he has delayed for so long.  What do we learn in this project?  If you can't do something, you need to limit yourself because this is very tough to break thru this obstacle due to lack of money.  Bob has been spending a lot of money and time to decide this project without any success because he doesn't know the limitation.
    You need to know the limitation and then you can do something that you can control easily.  Your success rate is very high.  We were told to raise funding for him to do it but this fellow never spent a penny to kick off this project therefore, we decide to give up helping him because we are not doing something for nothing.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

July 17, 2011

Dear Kids,
   Economic is a very important and tough subject.  As far as we can see, President of USA and Prime Minster of China are trying to balance the budget everyday to the nation how to get enough money for the nation to spend otherwise you can see the picture of HK riot on the day of First of July about 200,000 people on the street.  People in HK are simple because they are complaining about the HK Government can't balance the budget to satisfy the nation although there are ample of surplus.  Starting this August, everyone of the citizen can get the 6 thousand from the Government if they can prove HK identification with a bank account in HK.  I am lucky that I have both therefore, I can received the money after registration.
   Coming back to the problem of HK and there is a huge change after the China policy was involved because the people in China can go to HK without any restriction.  It is similar to the West and East Germany situation.  There are a lot of poor people coming to HK more than the rich people.  They are chewing up all the facilities in HK such as the medical system.  One of the recent issue is the ladies coming to HK to get the free medical for the laboring the baby in HK and at the same time, they will get the free HK ID as well.  Because of the influx of people to chew up the facilities, the Government will reserve the money to face the unnecessary change if there is one.  Housing market going up like crazy and inflation rate comes to the point of uncontrollable.  it should take sometimes to level it out; however, the Governor of HK is a very low education and he was trained base on the UK administration policy.  He doesn't know how to administrate the mixed Government situation and there are a few cases about the Governor making use his position to make money for his cousin, as a result, the Government is collapsed without any questions.  It is because no one trust the Government any more.  In any of the Government, people is the asset.  Losing the trust from the people, the whole Government will be failure without any questions.  This is another way of communist party to give a free choice to administrate HK and the result that people do not like it.  Finally, they might say that we better go back to the Mainland China administration which might be happened.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

July 16, 2011

Dear Kids,
    As far as I can see, the recession will come to Canada very soon due to the inflation rate comes to the point that most of the people couldn't afford to purchase a house.  It means that the household income can not meet the daily expenses such as the food cost and the gasoline price are coming up to the point people can't afford it.  Uncle Tony has 200K in the bank 10 years ago and he could buy a town house or a small detached house at that time.  Nowadays, he can only purchase a small condo with 600 sq feet.  it means all his money are taken away by the inflation.  Inflation means there are so much money in the market and all things are going up, therefore, the value of the money drops.  it means his 200,000 10 years ago and it is only worth 80,000 value for the today's value.  There is a common saying in English, "Money and fool will say good bye very soon".  If the fellow is smart enough, he can master the present situation so that he knows when he should buy it and what is the best time to sell it.  When you buy it, you need to watch the calculated risk to protect yourself so that you would not be hurt by the sudden fallen market if something unexpected happened.
    The reason why I say Canada's economy is going down because Canada's economy depends on the external factors.  USA is one of the factors for import and export because Canada depending on USA a lot.  However, the Canadian dollar is higher than US dollar, therefore, the export business will be affected by the US currency because US can't afford the high price of the Canadian product due to the exchange rate issue.  On the other hand, the importing business would not be booming because of the small population comparing to the USA.
Due to the recession, US has already reduce the expansion in Canada by closing the branches in Canada or layoff a lot of employees in Canada to keep the US company stable.  As a result, there are a lot of people who can't get a job will change to the other profession or leaving the country.  Most of the new immigrants who would like to leave the family in Canada to enjoy the free education or free medical facility and the bread winner will go back to HK, China or Taiwan to continue their profession or business.  Sooner or later, most of the families have the problem due to the parents are not running the family together.  Some kids became aimless unless the kids are especially smart such as Michelle and Ricky.  If you are not smart enough, the kids will lose the goal and wondering around instead of wasting of time.
    No matter what happens, you need to set a goal and move forward.  There are a lot of people asking about the opportunity during the recession.  What I can tell you that there are a lot of people who can make a lot of money during the recession if you are smart.  On the other hand, one can make money no matter what happens, you are always the winner if you are smart and alert to the news of the world day to day economy movement.       

Friday, July 15, 2011

July 15, 2011

Dear Kids,
     A few days ago, Warren Buffet mentioned that now is the time to see who can stand in the land after the tide.  What he was trying to say that the one who can still stand in the water is the one who had strong background to stay in the recession period.  It is true because so many people loss their jobs and businesses in the horrible recession in USA.  In Canada, the housing market going like crazy because Canada's economy depending on the external factors.  When I was in Canada, the properties were going up because of the unstable of the political situation in South East Asia such as 1997 that the British lose the political power HK.  Therefore a lot of rich immigrants were coming to Canada and USA to purchase the gas station and other businesses.   The housing market was high and the inflation was going up as well.  However, most of the local people were complaining about the inflation rate and the high unemployment rate due to the inflation because a lot of factories were moving out to the third world countries to reduce the cost due to the high rate of inflation.
    The inflation in Canada happened because of the external financial situation and this might affect the local property going up for a short period of time.  When the recession came in Canada, they had no enough factors to support the local economy like USA because USA have a lot successful world corporation to support the recession but Canada did not have it.  The good thing is that Canada is a socialism and the financial system is a very conservative comparing to USA, therefore, Canada did not get hurt too much in this world recession but the inflation goes to the sky high because all the money go to Canada due to the stable shelter.   The local people in Canada are suffering the high inflation and high unemployment rate.  The new graduates can't even afford the house because of the external factors.  What should the new graduates do under this circumstance.  They should watch out the expense and they also need to find the other way to make more income to match the unsecure economy situation because the external factors.
     Watch your budget and looking for the better opportunities with your eyes and ear open all the time.  The other important factors who you know and what you know.  Improving yourself all the time and meeting useful people because they might affect your life.   If you are meeting useless people, they might delay your progress and might be the whole life.  Watch out and alert! 

Thursday, July 14, 2011

July 14, 2011

Dear Kids,
     Auntie Popo sent a lot of movies about the history of HK where I was born.  It reminds a lot of past history when I was in HK.  When I was in HK, Tai Chi was asking me that do you like HK.  I told him that the answer is yeas and no.  I also told him that I like it because I was born in HK and I don't like it because I don't have anything in HK.  Therefore I decide to set up a company in HK to see what will be the potential in South East Asia.  I went to HK and check the price of the housing in HK comparing what we have now.  I need to bring in 3 billion HK dollars before I can enjoy the same life style in HK.
     HK is a place where you can enjoy the Eastern and Western culture because HK was under the British administration since 1887.  The last day of the administration is  the First day of July 1997.   No matter where you go, you need to learn a trade to survive.  It is because 99% of the people who went to HK did not get the success because they never learnt anything.  This is the things we learn in HK when the political situation was changed.  You need to face a new world by selling what you know instead of who you know.  When you live in a place for a long time, it depends who you know and what you know before you can make yourself grow.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

July 13, 2011

Dear Kids,
     When I was young, I liked to destroy the toys to find out what kind of mechanism behind the theory of the toys.  One time, your grandfather bought the machine gun for me to play and it was very expensive one at that time because the salary was very low in the 60's.  After playing a few days, I broke the whole machine guns that was battery operated with a powerful electrical motor.  After breaking the electrical machine gun, I learnt two things from this project.  I knew the machine was running very powerful because of the powerful motor behind it.  The motor could reverse the direction of turning because of the magnetic field and electrical power that I learnt from the physics in my high school.  I also tried to talke out the motor and put it on the wood as a motor boat so that this could be part of the side project which I learnt from this project.  My parents were very mad about that they gave me a nick name of "T of destroyer" which was very bad.
    It might be a very expensive to learn the physcis theory by breaking so many toys when I was young.  It might be a part of the learning process.  When the time went by,  I also created a simple manual mechanical car by putting the wheels under the board so that I can sliding down from the top of the slop and the steering was controlling by the foot.  The shape was like a cross broad.  The steering wheel was a horizontal so that we could control it very easily.   This gave me the basic concept theory of linear motion and fiction in the high school physics which was very helpful when I attended the class.  If someone could gave me the basic theory, I might graduate from the university at the age of 15 .         
     Nowadays, you can buy the model and puzzle to learn all this basic things are very easy.  However, you need to concentrate to learn this when you have a chance.  Unlike the olden days, you need to break the toys to find out the mechanism behind the fact.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

July 12, 2011

Dear Kids,

    One of my clients who loss the hotel business because of the recession.  He has 10 hotels now and would like to try a bigger hotel to expand his empire.  After running less than a year, the hotel owes a lot money including the franchise fee, property tax, employees' salary , bank note and 200K from Gold Maple Realty Inc.  The hotel was closed and locked up by the bank due to the unpaid mortgage.  He was hiring a lot of illegal immigrants hoping to save some money in the management.
    He was trying to run too fast and now he gained nothing but a lot of lawsuit due to breaking contracts left and right.  What should he do to avoid this case?  In fact it is very difficult to do this because he needs to clean out all the necessary ways to clear all the debt to gain his credit back.   Running a business is playing a fire.  If you know how to control it, it will give you the best food and keep you warm.  Otherwise, it will kill you or hurt you by no time. 

Monday, July 11, 2011

July 11, 2011

Dear Kids,
    When I was visiting the Ginseng farm, there was a middle aged man sitting beside me in the whole trip.  He was telling me that he was from Taiwan and his father was very rich before the communist invade China.  They fled to Taiwan in 1949 before the door was shut down to accept more refugees from Mainland China due to the civil war.  His father was stupid enough to be cheated by someone before leaving China by telling him to buy the tickets for the ocean liner for him and after giving all the money to the fellow and the man disappeared.  His father was smart enough to know a high school teacher who taught him in the high school telling him to give him the identity to be a teacher and let him to have a passport to go to Taiwan instead.   Smart and stupid are two brothers.  You have to know when to use this in the right time to show you are alert and smart.
   I remember a movie of  second world war "Great Escape".  Two POWs (prisoner of war) were caught by the German soldier and they were successfully escaped from the prison.  When they reached the board of Germany and starting leaving with a bus.  The Captain was trying to check the passport to make sure all the people were the legal citizens in the travelling.  Everything went fine until the last minute, the captain telling the POWs that "Good Luck" in English because all the travelers supposed to be German citizens instead ; the fellow turned his head and replied in English "Thank You" although he couldn't speak perfect German while he was boarding the bus.  The captain order the guards to catch them and killed them eventually.  What we learnt in this case is to be very high alert in the new environment and anything can be happened out your control.     
