Saturday, August 6, 2011

Aug 6, 2011

Dear Kids,

   Michelle and Duncan's wedding is just round the corner, therefore, all of you should get ready for it to enjoying it.  Ken and his wife should have the reply about the wedding because they need reserve the seat for you.  If you don't reply this week, they are not going to reserve the seats for your couple. Your reply is very important to them which you should understand it because it is a part of your credit in the future.  This is a small thing as it looks but people will remember what had happened.  You need to give a reply to people to confirm the basic politeness.
   Dealing with people is an art because it tells you how to survive in this society.  All the successful leaders know how to deal with people in a skillful way.  As what I mentioned before, if you know how to deal with people successfully, you are very successful in the future because you have done very well to control the people.  Wesley was sent to Iowa and NY for the summer because we all hope that he can learn the independent life.  Independent life style is for the people who know how to deal with the surrounding people and how to take care himself or herself.  Dealing with people is very important because you are supposed to be an actor or actress to show the people what kind of people you are.  Are you the shy and quite guy or girl? People or your friend will give a judgment to you and they will determine to deal with you for a long time or trying to forget you for good.  People will have a solid impression about your deed because your behavior, speech and gesture.  Therefore, you need to tell or show people what kind of people in this WORLD movie so that they will treat you as a kind, smart, ugly, poor, nice people as the time goes on.  We are living in this world for the people surrounding us otherwise, we don't need to care anything.  The world is controlled by a group of people who will judge your behavior and your level of classification.  Therefore, you need to define yourself carefully so that what kind of people will go along with you as well.


Friday, August 5, 2011

Aug 5, 2011

Dear Kids,

   There is Chinese saying that "An Intelligent Leader can keep the town save and under the control if anything happens".  What does this mean?  it means a leader of a project or the leader of a country is the one who can control the success of the project or vice versa.  For example, Uncle Tony was assigned a project to repair a swimming pool this summer and now is almost the end of the summer that he still doesn't complete the project which unexpected by the whole family.  Why he fails the project and we should learn more from what he did wrong; we should not copy what he did to duplicate the error for the rest of the life.
   Detail planning is the key thing to make the project to be success.  Tony should set up the road map to show him to complete the project.  First of all, he needs to plan before doing anything as it goes.  The following steps he should carefully planned before working on the project.

    Step I:  He should find out the need of the swimming pool by calling a few contractors who know the business.
                 a. He can get the information in the internet, newspaper and yellow page by calling them to discuss the problems and issues of
                     the swimming pool.      
                 b. Interviewing the contractors to make sure they know the business.  Before interviewing the contractors, he needs to go on the
                     internet to understand the special terms in the swimming pool such as vinyl lining etc. and he needs to understanding the
                     dimension of the swimming pool so that when the contractors are discussing the swimming pool, you can have the same
  Step II:  During the telephone interviewing, he should understand the need for the swimming pool for this repair.
                 a. Discuss with a few contractors so that you can have a better understanding what they are doing and the price of the material
                     with or without the labor cost because these information will give you a clear pictures of the basic cost for you estimation
                     and the comparison of the price with the other contractors.  All of them should give Tony an estimation of the cost to fix this
                     swimming pool.
 Step III: Selection the contractors are the most important part in the project.
                 a. You need to find someone who is reliable.
                 b. Most of the reliable contractors do not need the deposit because the company is strong enough to cover the basic cost of the
                     material and the labor until the project totally completed.
                 c. Some of the contractors might need a little down payment to cover the material cost and it depends on the wording of the
 Step IV:  Signing a contract with the contractors.
                a. When Tony signs the contract with the contractor, he needs to understanding what he is signing because he should know the
                    legal document can affect a lot of things such as breach of the contract penalty or consultant fee etc.  Tony needs to make sure
                    all the things he understands before signing anything.  
                b. When the contractors did the estimation, all the detail of the fixing should be in the contract with the delivery date terms and
                c. Most of the contractors will provide the performance bond in case they can't complete the project on time.
                d. Never use the people on the street because Tony was hired someone to fixed the window to save a few dollars and end up the
                    contractor was breaking into the house with losing a few thousand dollars.  
                e. Go with the reliable contractors for the future protections and warranty of the swimming pool project because this is the
                    protection for the family which you are talking a half million dollars home and the swimming pool is a part of the house.
Step V:   Make sure all the people coming to the house will be watched by a manpower to make sure the break in happened again.

    If Tony doesn't not have the ability to manage the project, he should ask someone to help instead of doing by himself because he thinks it is easy.  Nothing is easy unless you can manage AND master the project completely including the material and the size are correct.
Tony make sure the people to fix the project are the professional not the people on the street or armature of this game.
    Knowledge and experience are the important thing in this project.  Proper communication is also the other important thing in this project to make sure the people are working there knowing what to do and the project is smoothly done on time.


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Aug 3, 2011

Dear Kids,

    Auntie Maria sent the video of the accident in China that it makes everyone of us to be extremely careful when we go to China or any of the third world countries.  The reason is very simple because all the third world countries are the developing countries where the value of human life is very low comparing to the first world country because the legal system is not complete or the administrators do not make it complete to show the power to control the people.  As we can see the hit and run in the video, nobody will care the accident because in the third world county, this is very common to the public.  Even though, the careless driver was caught by the police and the DWI driver might be released if his relatives or he knew someone in the legal department.  Therefore, the legal system is only a show to the public and there will be a lot of changes under the legal system in China.  In the third world country, the people do not trust the legal system because they know the legal system will be changed due to a certain conditions such as bribery or power to twisted around the fact.
    SO, what should we do in the third world country?  If you are doing business in the third world country, you need to have a good connections to the upper class people or high official in order to protect yourself if you need them in one day.  You need to learn the system of the countries such as the custom, transportation and business legal system so that you don't talk or act like a fool in the third world countries.  In the third world countries, there is no human right.  The only human right is the MONEY and POWER.  You can use the MONEY to bail yourself from the illegal activity in the business or others.  If you have power, you can change the bad situation to the good situation with the high official power.  Therefore, people in the third world countries only know how to make money without any mercy.  They believe that MONEY and POWER are everything to give them the high protection if there is something happening.  For example, if you are very sick in the third world country, you will be ill treated if you can't pay the high price to the Private hospital instead of the Public hospital.  The doctors in the third world countries do not have a liability if there is a mule practice.   The concept and the altitude are very difference comparing to the first world countries.  In the first world countries, all the legal system is perfect and the human right is strongly to protect all the human beings in this country.  Chong Chee's son in law sent me a email asking to set up a USA company for him so that he can sell his product in China pretending the products were manufactured in USA.  In China, if you want to a certain amount of business volume, you need to have this money to show the Government before you can go for this volume.  For example, I want to do a million dollar volume business company which we need to have a million dollars in the bank account to show the funding then; the commerce department needs to verify that you have this money in the bank before issuing a business license to you.  Unlike USA, you can registered a company by paying $150 and there is no restriction in the business volume.  I told his son-in-law that the business license is cheap when you compare the fee in China but the liability is very high because his products need to be passed the inspection of the US safety commerce department with warranty and guarantee protection for the product.  If there is the product is bad by some reasons, people can sue you for millions of dollars.  He started to understand the difference between the China and USA products.  One needs the warranty and the other one is not required because the concept of the life is different to each other.
     Coming back to the traffic video of China, how can you set a 8 lane in a city traffic. Chang Du is one of the large population cities in China which exceed 1 billion population.  Life for the people are very tough due to the high competition with the limited resources.  Cars are running crazy and there are not enough police force to take care the traffic because there so many things happened in a small city with high volume of population.  I still we are very lucky living in USA and Canada today because there are so many people in China are making USD100 per month and the price of the consumer product as high as USA and Canada due to the inflation.


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Aug 2, 2011

Dear Kids,

     I don't know what should I tell you today because it is so busy because I am trying to put the deal together for an investor who wants to purchase a hotel in Minnesota.   Many people would like to take the advantage of the down turn economy to purchase something that might be under the construction cost.  It is true but they need to have the money to go thru the recession if they can do it.  Business is a gamble and you need to know what is the best time to gamble if the timing is right.   So the timing is very important to all kinds of business.  If you are doing business according to the time frame, the one is called the speculator.  A speculator is the one who would invest something according to the product demand in a specific time frame, therefore, they need to be very smart to control the market conditions.
    On the other hand, people like to study what they want but the faculty that they got into might not meet the demand for the society so that they might not find a job after the graduation.  Therefore,  you also need to watch out what is the best demand in the market to meet the market requirements.  This is the additional information that might relate to the market requirements.  Good luck!


Monday, August 1, 2011

Aug 1, 2011

Dear Kids,

   The debt ceiling is finally coming to the agreeable conclusion by the two parties.  In this political war, there are a lot of people making a lot of money; on the other hand, there are a lot of people losing a lot of money too.  Why?  The answer is very simple.  A lot of people buying the "short option" (gambling the stock they are buying will go down)  in the stock market during the political war, they make a lot of money because they know the stock will go down.  On the other hand, the people who bought the opposite way will lose a lot of money instead.  I knew one fellow of my neighbor who put into the daily trading 8 million dollars in volume.  You can see how much he can make if you bought the stock at the right time.  

   The inside information of the politicians knew this is a game for the two parties.  They will make a lot of money because I read the news a few days ago, the Clinton couple was telling China that the ceiling issues will be resolved.  This hint will bring the China smart people a fortune.  Therefore, there are a lot of opportunities for people making in the down turn of the economy and the up turn of the economy.  For example, in the real estate business when the market is up, you are working flipping the properties or you are representing to the seller or the buyer that you can make money any way.  During the down turn, you work with the bank or the sellers, you should make a lot of money because of the market situation has been changed.  The bottom line for any business, you need to know your business well especially during the recession with the high competition. Therefore, knowledge is power and you need to improve yourself anytime for the competition.

  Since the debt ceiling is completed, the other cycle of fighting between the two parties will be continued until the anther satisfaction is reached.
